Ali Saad
Ahmadi hospital, Kuwait
Title: Use of Dexemedetomidine (Precedex) as tool for sedation during surgical procedures (OT)
Biography: Ali Saad
Aim: Use of Precedex medication for procedural sedation in non-intubated patients prior to or during surgical procedures.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: Start loading dosage of 0.5-1 mcg/kg IV over 10 minutes then maintenance of 0.2-0.4 mcg/kg/hr. IV titrate to effect (Generally, initiate at 0.5-1 mcg/kg over 10 minutes, followed by a maintenance infusion initiated at 0.6 mcg/kg/hour and titrated to achieve desired clinical effect with doses ranging from 0.2 to 1 mcg/kg/hour). Target population were adults.
Findings: 41 cases observed for vital signs, depth of sedation, pt. response and arousal effect. Results showed that 30 cases got good smooth deep sedation without complications. 11 cases got low blood pressures with low heart rates needed stopping of infusion and medications.
Conclusion & Significance: Precedex dosing should be individualized and titrated to desired clinical response. It should be administered using a controlled infusion device with full monitoring devices and oxygen supplement.