M. Walid Qoronfleh
Director, Biotechnology Development, Qatar Biomedical Research Institute (QBRI), Qatar
Dr. M. Walid Qoronfleh is currently the Biotechnology Development Director at QBRI. Walid has over 20 years of scientific, technology, business, and commercial experience with a wide range of operational and strategic responsibilities including strategic planning, scientific direction, R&D management and product development, business development, and marketing & sales strategy. Walid has held several senior management and exe cutive positions with increasing responsibilities at GSK , Sanofi-Aventis, NIH-NCI, AntexPharma, ThermoFisher , NextGen Sciences (VP, Personalized Medicine ) and SDIX (Executive Director, Life Science & Diagnos tics business, Nasdaq: SDIX).Dr. Qoronfleh is the founder of three biotechnology companies and he is a co-Founder and the Managing Director of the boutique consulting company Q3CG. He is an ad hoc reviewer for various scientific journals and a frequent speaker at international conferences. He is also editor of two journals He obtained his PhD from The University of Louisville–School of Medicine; he received his MBA from Penn State Univ ersity and acquired certification in Marketing from The University of Wisconsin–Madison.