Jade K Forwood
Charles Sturt University
Prof Forwood completed a BBiomedSc. (Hons I) at James Cook University and a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the John Curtin School of Medical Research (Australian National University). He was awarded a University Medal in 1998 and the Frank Fenner Medal in 2002 for most outstanding PhD thesis. Since completing his PhD, he undertook postdoctoral research in industry (Bresagen Ltd., Adelaide University), and under an NHMRC CJ Martin Fellowship, conducted research at the Department of Structural Studies in Cambridge (UK) for two years, followed by an additional two years at the University of Queensland. In 2007, he joined the School of Biomedical Sciences at Charles Sturt University to coordinate and lecture in Biochemistry. He has secured 18 research grants totalling more than $32 million (c. half as CIA), including grants from highly competitive national and international funding sources.
Research Interest